Sunday, April 13, 2008

Two Preggos!

It is so very cool that Erin and I are preggo at the same time! Who would have thought? And, no we didn't plan it (we get that a lot). You can see that I am getting vast in this picture, but Erin is hardly showing at all! I have to say that she has popped out there these past two weeks, but she is still so tiny!

It is also quite exciting that a bunch of people we know are expecting right now. There are three of us at work. Clarissa and I are a mere two weeks apart and Surles and his wife are also having twins. The Chili's gang is expanding quite quickly. We need a picture of all the preggos (although Bates is no longer preggo! Her baby is already here). It is very fun to experience such a neat time with a lot of good friends!

Baby Bedding

Here is the bedding we have picked out for the nursery. It was VERY difficult to choose something for both boy and girl, but I love this bedding. It is very appropriate since I am a teacher! We have a white crib, though, so it will look a little different. I can't wait to get in the new house and get the nursery put together. We are moving around the first of May and mom and I are eager to get to work putting they babies' room together. What do you think?

Car Seats, Strollers, and Bouncers Oh my!

So we have picked out lots of interesting things for the babies! We spent this weekend purchasing some goodies. We bought one car seat (the other one will come soon). Babies R Us gives us a discount since we are having twins, so we went ahead and got the car seat. It coordinates with the stroller we want and it snaps in the stroller. We sometimes have a difficult time picking things out since we are having one of each gender. We like what we got because it isn't too masculine or too feminine, so those kiddos should be quite happy! Here are some pictures of the car seat and stroller.

Baby Updates

Things are progressing very quickly with the pregnancy! I can't believe I'm already six months. Chris has really started to feel them jump and kick and I can definitely tell which twin is kicking me. Emmy kept me up all night last night because she wasn't comfortable I guess! She was also very active in church this morning. After I got her settled down, Jake started in on the kicking. I'm sure such is the life with twins. When you get one settled, the other will act up. We are both so excited. I go to the dr. again on Thursday, but there will be no ultrasound this time. I'm taking the glucose test, which has mixed reviews from my preggo friends, but hopefully I will pass the test!

We think we have found a daycare, which is quite an undertaking. For those of you out there who have never be honored to search for a daycare for infants, let me give you one piece of advice, start early! I really like the daycare we picked. It came on the recommendation of a girl I work with and after visiting there, I was pretty much sold. This was a big answer to pray, as many of you know how difficult it is to select a place where your children will be for a large part of the day.

Check back for an updated preggo pic sometime this week.

There's a first time for everything!

So as Chris sits and watches baseball, I decided to blog a little. I wanted to make this blog to keep everyone informed about the babies and what is happening with our little family. The past few weeks have been crazy and the upcoming ones show no sign of stopping. We have just bought our first house, which we are extremely excited about. We wanted to find something before the babies got here, so we searched furiously for something that would fit our needs. I am also finishing up my Masters degree (so we can afford the new house!) and if all goes well I should be finished by the beginning of May. Chris is working tons of overtime (so we can afford daycare!) and is dreading the move, but looking forward to the new house!