Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Chili's Gang (I'm trying to beat Clarissa to the punch!)

So for a couple of years now, my teacher friends and I get together on the occasion Friday after school. We started it when we all worked at Waldron and since the schools split, we have kept it up. It is so good to get together with friends and hear about all the fun things happening at their school. Usually they know the things that are going on at our school before we do!!! Last year was quite hilarious as all the preggos were there eating oh so much Molten Lava Cake.
This was the first meeting of the year for this school year. I'm still on maternity leave, but I was not about to miss a get together with friends. I brought my two kiddos and Clarissa brought Jackson. The twins and Jackson share a birthday. I was shocked at how big Jackson was!!! He is exactly the same age as my twins and he weighs 14 pounds!!!!! That's even bigger than Eliza who was born two months earlier. Hopefully the next time we get together, we can have Eliza, Holland,Clare and Cullen there too! What a fun little play group we would have!!

Too Cute!

How adorable is this little picture??? I love it. It is sooo cute. I love that they are holding hands!! Not much to blog about. I just wanted to share this picture of my adorable children!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

2 month check-up

I cannot believe that my babies are two months old! Wow...these past two months have flown by. Yesterday we had our two month check up with the Dr. For those of you that don't know, babies get shots at two months. It was not so fun. It was quite heartbreaking to hear those little cries. Not only was it done once, but twice. Jake went first and then Emmy. We scooped them up as soon as it was over and gave them a bottle, which made them feel a little better. They were pretty much conked out for the rest of the night.

Jake now weighs 9lbs. 8 oz. and Emmy weighs 8lbs. 9 oz. They are both about 21 inches long. Emmy isn't gaining weight quite as well as her brother, so we're adding some rice cereal to her last bottle. Hopefully, that will put some weight on. Overall, they are doing well. They are cooing and smiling and grasping at things already. Here are some pictures from a little photo shoot we did over the weekend.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

I said it's great to be....

a mommy! I know you all though I would say a Tennessee Vol, but alas, no. It is very sad to be a Tennessee Vol as of late. Tennessee football has been such a disappointment so far this season. Titans football on the other hand has been very exciting.
Back to the Vols....I bought these cute little outfits for the kiddos long before they were born and we put them on them before the Florida game. Daddy said if we win, they have to wear them every Sat. Oh well....I guess that's the end of those outfits. We do have Titans outfits, but they are way too big right now.
For those of you that keep up with us, we have another doctor appointment tomorrow. The twins have to get shots, so daddy is going with us this time. I do not want to see my kiddos get shots (sniff, sniff).
The countdown is on for me returning to work. I go back in three weeks. I have been working on lesson plans while I have been off. I've been working on a unit for the book The Bad Beginning. It would normally take me about 2 days to do it, but with the twins, it's taken me about 4 weeks! I'm a little apprehensive about returning to work for a lot of reasons, but I'm sure once we get into a schedule, it will be o.k.

I'll update more tomorrow when we get back from the dr! For now, here are some photos for your viewing pleasure!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Labor Day Festivities

Well, since Chris was off for Labor Day, we decided to trek to Knoxville for the babies' first visit with grandparents' houses. We thought we were going to get a good start because Chris got home around 2:00 the Friday before. I had just fed the kids, so it was a good time to go. By the time we got everything loaded up in the car, it was time to feed again, so we had to wait for that. Then we finally took off. Jake was not happy, so we stopped in Lebanon to check his diaper. He finally calmed down after that. As we started off again, we hit a HUGE traffic jam. It took us about an hour to go 9 miles. Of course, Emmy started to scream. We assumed this was because she was hungry and the car wasn't moving anymore. We got off at the first exit we could to feed the babies. I had a bottle, so I fed Emmy and Chris gave Jake a bottle. When we got the babies out, we saw what Emmy was screaming about. She had the biggest blow-out I have ever seen. She had poop all over the place! It was all in her car seat and even in her ear! I had to give her a baby wipe bath in the McDonald's parking lot. Soon, we were on our way again. We traveled back roads for a little while to get out of the traffic, which we managed to do. It was about 11:00 p.m. when we got home. Needless to say, what would normally be 3 hours at most took about 5. It was not too fun.

The next day, Chris went to visit his family and I took the babies to see my Nanu. Everyone enjoyed seeing the babies. They were held and spoiled the whole entire time. I was so glad that Nanu got to see the babies. We got a lot of good pictures with the babies.

Then on Sunday, we headed to Crossville to visit with my Granny and the other side of the family. They were having a cookout at my Aunt Betty's house, so we visited Granny and then went to the cookout. Everyone enjoyed seeing the babies there as well. My only complaint was that it was outrageously hot. The babies were passed around to all kinds of people and they were extremely hot, which is pretty uncommon, so we left after visiting for a few hours. The twins and I feel asleep on the way home. In fact, Chris has a pretty incriminating picture of me sleeping. By the time we got to Grammy's that night, we were all exhausted. The babies slept well and Chris and I did too.

Finally, on Monday, Chris visited his family a little more and the babies and I hung out with Grammy and Poppaw. Soon, we were on our way back to Smyrna. The babies slept the whole way home, so we were afraid that they might not sleep that night, but that was definitely not the case. In fact, they slept the best they had. Jake slept pretty much all night and it scared me to death! I'm just not used to it (but I'm getting there

All in all, it was an exhausting, but enjoyable weekend. We had a great time visiting with family and everyone loved seeing the babies.

Six Weeks Old!!!

I can't believe the babies are six weeks old. They have changed so much since they were born. They are starting to make lots of cooing noises, which Chris and I just love to hear. It is quite amazing how much they have grown. Jake now weighs more than his sister (finally!). He weighs 7 lbs. 9 oz and Emmy weighs 7 lbs 7 oz. Must be all that breastmilk! I have thoroughly enjoyed being home with them. Although some of this time is unpaid, it has been worth every penny. Your life really does change when you have kids and you can't really remember your life before them.

In addition to the cooing sounds, the babies are close to sleeping through the night. They are only waking up once at night now instead of twice. They can usually sleep from about 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.

I have about 5 more weeks until I go back to work. I am dreading leaving them all day, but I do have to go back to work and I know they won't remember this time, since so much of it is spent sleeping!

It's such a wonderful thing to be a parent. I was beginning to think I wouldn't get to experience it. I am so blessed and grateful to God for giving me these wonderful little miracles to take care of. I only hope I can do the very best things for them!