Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Birthday Surprise!!

At the end of August, Erin's husband, Brandon, planned a surprise party for her 30th birthday. He did a great job planning because she had no idea we were all going to be there. She was quite startled when she came into her pitch black basement and we all yelled surprise. It was great to visit with friends and everyone loved seeing the babies. Eliza and Emmy enjoyed playing together (well, sitting and crying together) and Erin and I had a nice time catching up. We had wonderful food (thanks to Brandon) and great cake. Emmy was upset when we left, so she cried the whole way home. I think she wanted to sleep over at Eliza's house for her first slumber party!!! We had a great time. Here are some pictures from the event.

PS The babies turned one month old last week. I'll have pictures and a blog about that soon. Keep checking!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Three Weeks Old!

It's hard to believe that the twins are three weeks old! Everyday brings something new. It is so neat to see the little smiles (even though I know it's just gas for now) and to hear all the little sounds they make (even the cries).
We have been visiting Dr. Rosser once a week, per his request, to be weighed. He has twins, so he knows how important it is to make sure they are putting on weight. When we left the hospital, Jake had dropped from 6 lbs. 3 oz to 5 lbs. 8 oz. Now, three weeks after birth, he has surpassed his birth weight and is up to 6 lbs. 8 oz. He still is no match for his sister who was 6 lbs. 11 oz. at birth, but dropped to 5 lbs. 15 oz before we came home. She has put on the weight and is now at 6 lbs. 15

Parenthood is truly the hardest, but most rewarding job ever. Chris and I are enjoying every single second because we know just how fast it goes. These past three weeks are the proof!

A field trip

Last week, the twinkies and I took a little field trip to LLE and RWS. I know, field trips are supposed to be AWAY from school, not to a school. It was a teacher work day, so all the teachers would be there, but no kids! I wanted to show the kids off, but I didn't want a lot of germs around, so I figured that would be the best day.

Everyone was really excited to see the twins. They were quite popular! The fourth grade teachers took turns holding and playing with the babies while I visited with Erin and helped all the EA's work on my room. The sub I was originally had planned backed out, so Mr. McCann had to hire someone new. Everyone did a great job working on my room. Erin worked on my room instead of her own, which was so sweet if her.

After we visited at LLE, we drove down the street to visit at RWS. We didn't see as many people there, just Stephanie, Jennifer, and Surles. Surles and I compared noted on raising twins (his were born in June). Clarissa called Stephanie while I was there, so it was nice to hear from her too!

All in all, it was a great day! We were out and about for the majority of the day and the kids did wonderful!! Surprisingly, I am doing well with the navigation of twins and all their gear! We're going to Knoxville for Labor Day, so well see how well I navigate that.

Here are some pictures from our little field trip.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Life with Twins

Life with newborn twins has been quite exciting! We had our twin babies, Jake and Emmy on Tuesday, July 22nd. Both were born at 9:49 a.m., within seconds of each other. Jake came out first and Emmy followed very shortly after. Jake weighed in at 6 lbs. 3 oz. and Emmy was a whopping 6 lbs. 11 oz. That was quite a lot of baby! They both had a little difficulty feeding at the hospital and lost some weight. We're working on adding that back on. We left on Friday and enjoyed a somewhat quiet night at home. From that point on, each night has been different!
Chris returned to work on the Tuesday after we went home. This day was quite difficult for me, even though I had help. Hormones from pregnancy and childbirth can be a beast!!!
We've had a few visitors that have enjoyed seeing the babies. Mostly family has been by, but also the girls I work with. Erin brought Eliza by to "play" with the babies in the hospital and after we got home. Then Beth, Melanie, and Melissa came by to visit as well.
We are loving learning all about the babies. They each have such a different personalities. Jake is laid back and very quick to inform us when something is amiss, like when he needs a diaper change or is hungry. Emmy is high maintenance and is such a daddy's girl! She loves when Chris rocks or holds her. It has been a blast so far and we're both enjoying every little minute because we know it will fly by before we know it!