I can't believe the babies are six weeks old. They have changed so much since they were born. They are starting to make lots of cooing noises, which Chris and I just love to hear. It is quite amazing how much they have grown. Jake now weighs more than his sister (finally!). He weighs 7 lbs. 9 oz and Emmy weighs 7 lbs 7 oz. Must be all that breastmilk! I have thoroughly enjoyed being home with them. Although some of this time is unpaid, it has been worth every penny. Your life really does change when you have kids and you can't really remember your life before them.
In addition to the cooing sounds, the babies are close to sleeping through the night. They are only waking up once at night now instead of twice. They can usually sleep from about 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.
I have about 5 more weeks until I go back to work. I am dreading leaving them all day, but I do have to go back to work and I know they won't remember this time, since so much of it is spent sleeping!
It's such a wonderful thing to be a parent. I was beginning to think I wouldn't get to experience it. I am so blessed and grateful to God for giving me these wonderful little miracles to take care of. I only hope I can do the very best things for them!
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