Monday, July 22, 2013

Birthdays and Blessings

What a wonderful week we've had! We have really absorbed all things birthday and it isn't over yet! This week looks to be just as busy (and hopefully fruitful) as the last.

Brother and Sister celebrated their fifth birthday on Saturday with a great pool party. It was pirate mermaid themed and we all had a great time dressing up in pirate and mermaid garb and taking a dip when we got too hot. I am so grateful to all that came to celebrate with us. Brother and Sister received so many wonderful gifts. There were many books, games, and puzzles to be had. As our Aunt Granny Betty said, "We'll have things to keep us busy all winter!" They also received some homeschool/art supplies, including some alphabet stamps and science experiment cards for which I have great plans.

As we celebrate another (healthy and happy) year and birthday, I am thoughtfully pondering all the blessing we have. Are things always easy? No, definitely not. Do bad things happen? Yes, of course they do, but we know that "All things work together for the good of those that love Him" (Romans 8:28). That means ALL things; good, bad, or indifferent. This week has been emotional (for me-my babies are getting ready to start kindergarten. That's a big step!)not only because of this big birthday, but for other reasons as well. I learned of some yucky news this week (not necessarily bad or good, just yucky)and I really wanted to respond to things differently and really just "Let go and Let God," which is something with which I struggle. In the Deuteronomy study that I just completed, Beth Moore made an excellent observation. She stated that God's grace is only present for this very moment. When I worry, I am projecting myself into my future, with the absence of God's grace. So why worry, right? I know, it isn't always that easy, but if I am a true believer, I just have to have peace and faith that my God has bigger things planned for the yuckiness I heard.

Once I got to this realization, a weight was lifted and a blessing was earned! The very next morning, I received some absolutely wonderful news about something I had been praying about for months now!!!

On to the weekly goals!

So here are the goals from last week:

Food Goals-I'm working on beefing up (no pun intended) my freezer and pantry stock so that freezer meals will ready once we all return to school and a more chaotic schedule.

-make peach popsicles from peach puree
-make homemade yogurt
-make slider rolls
-prepare corn for freezing
-make pizza dough for freezer

I managed to get all of these things done! I even made mango and cherry popsicles as well. I also had an enormous amount of cucumbers from the garden, so I made about five jars of refrigerator pickles.

Birthday Goals- We have a big FIVE year old party this weekend, so this category will be eliminated once the weekend is over!)

-finish mermaid tails
-make sister's cupcakes
-shop for and prepare all the perishable food
-make starfish cookies and mermaid tail cookies
-get game for birthday present
-pull cucumbers from the garden for veggie tray

I also managed to get all these things accomplished! In addition, I made the twinkies a five year old birthday shirt to wear to church on Sunday.

Around the House Goals-

-go through the hatbox near the door
-weed the garden and spray the perimeter
-take stock of the freezer and pantry (for pantry challenge-More on this later)

Mommy School Goals-The kids will start a Pre-K/K co-op this fall, which means they will be there only half time. The other half time, they will still be homeschooling with me. We still have a bit of summer left and I'm not really in any rush to starting Mommy Schooling on a strict schedule again (we've been playing it fast and loose during the summer) HOWEVER, if I am not prepared, the date will be upon me before I know it and I will not feel prepared, hence the goals!

-Print off CC Standards for K

I also managed to make a "morning work" binder of sorts. I tore out some workbook pages that I found at the dollar tree and put them in plastic sleeves and a binder to use with dry erase crayons. They idea being that they can work on this while I'm getting breakfast ready in the mornings.

Overall, a very productive week and it really helps to see these things in list form. I feel very productive.

This week's goals are:

Food Goals-
-Make a menu for the week
-Make homemade yogurt
-Make peach applesauce
-Make Baked Beans for reunion
-Make banana pudding for Poppa
-Make homemade bread

Birthday Goals-
-Write thank you notes
-Respond to some emails about bday
-Sew Corn hole bean bags
-Cut out Monogram for corn hole boards
-Complete birthday interviews!

Around the House Goals-
-Continue to weed/spray garden
-go through the hatbox
-start entering items for the consignment sale
-Doctor Visits
-Register for K (Eekk)

Mommy School Goals
-Make 10 Frames out of popsicle sticks
-Make a daily checklist

Mommy Work Goals
-Finish up Course Syllabus

July 22nd, 2013-The twinkies are five! (and a Royal baby was born across the pond!)